Call to order
A meeting of the Bay Area Amateur Radio Club was held on September 12,2024, at the Salvation Army building, Bay City, MI. Board members in attendance: president Steve Covieo (ke8nko), vice president Loren Curtis (kf8f), treasurer Dusty Trisch (k1dlt), and secretary Bill Baylis (ke8nkn). The meeting was called to order at 7pm, with the pledge of Allegiance.
Treasurer’s report: Information was not available.
Secretary’s report: notes from the June meeting were read into record. A motion was made to accept these notes. The motion was seconded, and passed.
Old Business
There was no old business
New Business
President asked members for feedback on this year’s Field Day. 1). Need to take advantage of any bands not being used. These are opportunities to make additional contacts/points. 2). Paul’s setup for real-time stats was very helpful! 3). During F.D. 3 propane tanks used to run the club’s generator. It was suggested all propane tanks be filled prior to start time. 4). The club’s generator needs to be centrally located allowing all participants to use it. 5). It was suggested a master map be created for positioning of stations and generator. 6). A 220 volt panel is created allowing multiple hook-ups to the club generator.
President asked members what they thought about no club meetings for July and August of this year. The consensus was good, members agreed that we should continue with this for 2025.
President spoke about possible money making ideas for the club. They included raffle, continuing the donation jar, and personalized mugs for members. There was some interest in the mugs Steve will check on cost. Members said yes to the donation jar.
President asked members if they would like to continue with holding the club’s Christmas Dinner at the Salvation Army building. Members said yes!
The President spoke about Nominees for the 2025 board. Anyone interested should speak with a board member ASAP.
Paul (kc8elq) spoke about a temporary setup for the club’s Wires-X. He stated the County Build remodel had still not been completed. He offered to set up a Node station at his home. Member Ben (ke8mwn) said he had a tower we could use. Steve (ke8nko) stated he would supply the needed cables. Board and Members yes to this temporary setup.
Bill (ke8nkn) gave a short presentation on his HamClock. Steve (ke8tsj) put together a media presentation on this years Field Day.
The club will be activating P.O.T.A. stations at the Bay City State park Saturday, the 28th. Start time will be from 10a – 4pm. Come out and join us.
A motion to end the meeting was made and seconded. Motion passed and the meeting ended at 8:08pm.