Call to order
A meeting of Bay Area Amateur Radio Club was held on Feb 10th, 2022. Board members in attendance: President Steve Covieo (KE8NKO), Vice President Loren Curtis (KF8F), Treasurer Dusty Trisch (K1DLT), Secretary Bill Baylis (KE8NKN). The meeting was called to order at 6:04pm by our president.
Treasurer report: An additional monies for dues and repeater contributions were collected during the meeting.
Secretary report: Two new members joined our club today. George (KE8TSL) and Steve (KE8TSJ).
New Business
Treasurer: reminded members that club dues for 2022 should be made by the end of March; additional contributions are being taken for Repeater maintenance.
President: Spoke about proposed changes to clubs constitution and by-laws. Updates covered changes to Constitution, Article I: Membership. Article II, section 2: Officers, and Bylaws. Article V, section 2: Dues.
President: spoke about the possibility of finding a new location for summer Field Day. Additional location will be looked at by Steve (KE8NKO) and Bill (KE8NKN), with their recommendations brought back to the club.
President: Suggest the club consider putting together a swap meet in May. With the location being held in the Salvation Army’s parking lot, proceeds would be split with Salvation Army. It will also be important that we work around any other Swap meets in the area.
A motion was made by Dusty (K1DLT) to vote on proposed changes to the clubs constitution and Bylaws at next regular meeting (3/10/22). Rob (KC8SDL) supported motion. Motion carried.
A motion was made to have club member Nevin (KE8QLA) take over duties as Web Master for the clubs website. Motion was supported, and passed.
A motion was made by Dusty (K1DLT) to make Dean (KC8BGK) a lifetime member because of his many years of continuous support for the club. The motion was supported, and passed.
Club member Rob (KC8SDL) stated he had participated in the Winter Field Day and had made 40 contacts. In addition Gary (WB8ICIU) had made 60 contacts.
Club member Jeff (KB8SWR) brought in equipment used in a microwave network for show and tell. Steve suggested we have a show and tell at our regular monthly meetings.
President made a motion to end the meeting; Dusty (K1DLT) supported the motion. Motion passed, meeting ended at 6:40pm.There was a total of 8 members, and 5 visitors in attendance.