July Meeting Minutes

Call to order

A meeting of the Bay Area Amateur Radio Club was held on July 14th, 2022. Board members in attendance: President Steve Covieo (ke8nko), vice president Loren Curtis (kf8f), and secretary Bill Baylis (ke8nkn). The meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm. 


Treasurer’s report: Treasure was absent; no information on current balance was available.

Secretary’s report: June meeting notes were read and accepted into the record.

New Business

President: Informed members that the bank has charged a processing fee charge for 3 years of bank statements. Since that request the CPA is now asking for an additional 2 years. If we’re unable to provide this info CPA stated they would estimate. Steve stated he would update the club when the CPA has completed processing. 

Vice president: reported he has been working to get club’s call signs for the 31 & 36 repeaters updated with the Michigan Area Repeater Council (MARC), but has gotten no response from them. He stated he would continue to try and contact them. Jeff (kb8swr) stated he would also try reaching out to the MARC.

Vice president: talked about getting members involved in the SATERN program. For those interested in becoming a member they will need to take 3 on-line classes and complete a background check.  If there were enough interest in this program there could be opportunities for equipment and station setup. Michigan SATERN Nets are held on 20 meters M, W, F, & SA. There is also a National net held on Fusion. For members interested in becoming a SATERN member see Loren.

Field Day

There was discussion about the recent Field Day held June 24th at Frankenlust Park. Operators talked about the number of contacts they had made. Loren is working to get all contacts logged. There was additional discussion about future Field day setup and operations. There needs to be laptops located at all stations, scheduling for all radio operators, a dedicated radio tech to oversee all radio setups and assist with any equipment issues. It was agreed that there must be better organizations, including member commitment.  Loren brought in a 20-minute video for members to watch about Field Day operations. The video was created by a Kansas radio club. The take away from this video was organization. 


A motion was made to adjourn, motion was seconded, meeting ended at 7:09pm. There were a total of 9 members in attendance.