April 2023 Meeting Minutes

Call to order

A meeting of Bay Area Amateur Radio Club was held on April 13th, 2023, at the Salvation Army building, Bay City, MI. Board members in attendance: president Steve Covieo (ke8nko), vice president Loren Curtis (kf8f), Dusty Trisch (k1dlt), and secretary Bill Baylis (ke8nkn). The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm. 


Treasurer’s report: gave current balance.

Secretary’s report: notes from February’s meeting were read into record. A motion was made to accept these notes. The motion was seconded, and passed.

Old Business

There was no old business.

New Business

Treasurer stated he had filled out IRS form 990, required reporting for non-profit and charitable organizations. 

Dusty stated there would be two bills due soon. One will be for the club’s insurance. The other bill will be for Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (L.A.R.A.), for clubs business license.

Vice president informed club members that the Midland club was looking for support during the March of Dimes walk. This event is taking place April 29th, from 8:30 am – noon. Anyone interested in helping should connect Chris at 989-948-9153. 

Loren reminded members that a Skywarn class will be held at the State Theater in Bay City on April 27th from 7pm- 8:30pm.

Club president informed members that this year’s Field Day event would be held at the Frankenlust Township Park, located at 2401 Delta Rd, Bay City, MI 48706. Members interested in participating should contact a board member.

 Club president suggested the club make a financial donation to the Salvation Army for the use of the building.

President stated he had been working on a generic letter that will be used for donation requests; he’ll be adding a letterhead to complete this form. 

Steve said the club’s Tuesday night Net has received a good response from members, but to continue this Net volunteers would be needed to run it. Anyone interested should see a board member.

Club member Jon Dee (kc8usu) suggested the club consider holding another swap meet. He stated the Salvation Army was in favor of the meet, and felt it would be a good fundraiser for the club. There was concern over scheduling issues with the Salvation Army activities. This proposal was tabled to allow the board time for review.  


Gary (wb8icu) gave a presentation on CW (continuous wave). He brought in an assortment of straight keys and paddles. He demonstrated how the keys work and also connected an audio oscillator so members could hear how it sounded. 

Rob (kc8sdl) gave a presentation on a radio receiver built around 1947. This radio was called an “All American Five” because it used five vacuum tubes. They were mass produced in the 30’s and 40’s and were common in most homes. 


Dusty will be giving a presentation on digital modes at next month’s meeting.   He will also be working on a date for a POTA event in the near future.


The secretary made a motion to adjourn, motion was seconded by president and motion passed, meeting ended at 8:15 pm. There were 12 members and 2 guests in attendance. 

William C. Baylis
SecretaryDate of approval