November 2024 Meeting Minutes

Call to order

A meeting of the Bay Area Amateur Radio Club was held on Nov 14,2024, at the Salvation Army building, Bay City, MI. Board members in attendance: president Steve Covieo (ke8nko), vice president Loren Curtis (kf8f), and secretary Bill Baylis (ke8nkn). The meeting was called to order at 7pm, with the pledge of allegiance. 


Treasurer’s report: a bill was paid to QTH and the remaining balance was reported.

Secretary’s report: notes from October’s meeting were read.

Old Business

One correction was made on the October meeting report. The nomination for 2025 Trustee is for 3 years, not 1 year. The correction was made and a motion was made to accept these notes into record,  motion was seconded and passed.

New Business

Membership welcomed a visitor to our meeting named Richard, call sign kj4fac.

President stated that Dusty (k1dlt) was looking into setting up a debit or credit card. This would be linked to our bank account making it easier to pay bill’s.

President asked how many members were planning on attending this year’s  Christmas dinner. An estimated count of 20-25 was taken. He asked those attending to sign-up to bring a dish to pass. He also stated he would be getting with Major Rick to verify date and time.

President spoke about setting up a number of club events for 2025.

1). Emergency activity, similar to the Auxcomm exercise held in October. He suggested we conduct one in the spring and again in the fall, dates are yet to be determined. The board recommended members take the FEMA courses. For additional information on which courses see Loren (kf8f).

2). Skywarn exercise. All participants must be Skywarn certified. Members needing to get trained can do so  on-line  or, look for a class in your area. Prior to this event Steve (ke8nko) will be conducting a training class on the operation of  your H.T. A date for this event has yet to be determined.

3). Operating your rig with WinLink. Dusty will be conducting this class. A date has yet to be determined.

George (ke8tsl) stated he was not hearing any stations on the GMRS repeater and wondered if there had been any changes. The president stated that he believed the repeater links had been unlinked and this may be the reason.

The president stated it was time to vote on the nomination for 2025 board members positions. George made a motion to close the meeting, Steve second the motion, the meeting was closed at 7:26pm. Trustee’s Dean, Steve, and Rob read the nominations for each position. For President Steve (ke8nko),  Vice President Loren (kf8f), Treasurer Dusty (k1dlt), Secretary Bill (ke8nkn), and two year Trustee Doug (ke8rne). There was no opposition to any of the members’ positions, nominations were closed at 7:28pm. Membership was asked to place just one vote that would cover all nominations. The vote was unanimously (yes), none opposed. Officers will begin their duties in January 2025. 

Motion was made to open the meeting back up. Motion was seconded, vote passed, meeting was opened at 7:29pm.


Bill gave a presentation on his Power box build. A PowerPoint presentation can be found on our website under


Club member Dean (kc8bgk) is interested in downsizing some of his radio equipment. See Dean for more details.

There will be NO Tuesday night Nets on December 24th, and 31st.

Anyone interested in taking a test to become a Ham Radio operator or, advance their license. Click here for testing centers in your area.


A motion was made to end the meeting, motion was seconded, meeting ended at 7:40pm. There were a total of 10 people in attendance; 8 members and two guests.