February 2025 Meeting Minutes

Call to order

A meeting of the Bay Area Amateur Radio Club was held on Feb 13th,2025, at the Salvation Army building, Bay City, MI. Board members in attendance: president Steve Covieo (ke8nko), treasurer Dusty Trish (k1dt), secretary Bill Baylis (ke8nkn), and Net Controller Steve (ke8tsj). The meeting was called to order at 7pm, with the pledge of allegiance. 


Treasurer’s report: was read, and no current bill’s due.

Secretary’s report: January’s meeting notes were read into record. Motion was made to accept these notes into record, motion was seconded, motion passed.

Old Business


New Business

President asked if anyone had taken part in this year’s Winter Field Day. Club member Rob (kc8sdl) responded that he and Gary (wb8icu) had participated. He stated he made approximately 30 contacts on 40M, bands were up and down.

There was a consensus among members that the club should provide additional support for people interested in becoming Ham Radio Operators. This could be accomplished by creating a packet of information gear towards new associates. These  materials would assist new members with basic questions about the hobby.  These resources would include a list of “Elmers” who would mentor those members. The president stated the board would begin the process of putting together a master list and then report back to membership.  

The president asked  all members who own a basic H.T. to bring them to the March meeting. He will be assisting them with programming their HT.  The goal is to have all HT’s with the same exact programming. This will benefit the club in cases of emergencies or events where quick communications are a factor. Once all HT’s have been updated Steve will be scheduling exercises for club members to test their equipment.


None. Anyone interested in sharing a build project or, show & tell, please contact a board member. 


The next “Coffee” hour will be held on February 22nd, at Krzysiak restaurant located at 1605 Michigan Ave, Bay City, 48708 at 9am.


A motion was made to end the meeting, motion was seconded, meeting ended at 8pm. There were a total of 14 people in attendance; 13 members and 1 guest.

William C. Baylis
SecretaryDate of approval

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