Club Events

Bay County Auxiliary Communication October 12, 2024 Exercise

Voice ModeData Mode
Primary147.360 RepeaterPhone text, Messaging, Discord
Alternate444.500 RepeaterPhone voice
Contingency145,310 RepeaterWinlink Internet
Emergency146.550 SimplexRunners/w data storage devices

This Saturday Club members will be participating in an AUXCOMM training exercise. We’re looking for additional members interested in supporting us. Please contact Loren KF8F, ASAP

Coffee Hour

Coffee hour is held the 4th Saturday of each month at Mandy’s diner. The address is 819 Saginaw St, Bay City. Start time 9AM. Hope to see you there.

2023 December Celebration

This year’s get together was held at the Salvation Army and was a great success. Major Rick and family were the guest of honor. Thanks to everyone who brought a dish to pass.