April Meeting Minutes

Call to order

A meeting of the Bay Area Amateur Radio Club was held on April 14th, 2022. Board members in attendance: President Steve Covieo (KE8NKO), vice president Loren Curtis (KF8F), treasurer Dusty Trisch (K1DLT), and secretary Bill Baylis (KE8NKN). The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm.


Treasurer’s report: Dusty stated the club’s insurance was due in May. There were no additional bills due at this time. Current club membership stands at 18, with 4 lifetime members.

Secretary’s report: read minutes from March 10th, 2022 club meeting. A motion was made by club President to accept March 10th meeting minutes, Rob (KC8SDL) seconded motion, motion passed.

New Business

President: said that he had spoken to Ray (KE8EAJ) about the clubs web site and that Ray had donated monies covering the cost through June.

President: ask Dusty to have his name put on the club’s bank checks.

Representatives for the Repeater counsel (Ben KE8MWN & Joe KA8FHW) informed members they would begin work on the 36 Repeater in the next few weeks. They will start by documenting the current status of equipment. This will include in-house cleaning and changes to redundant cabling. The goal will be to update the controller and DR1X firmware. Checks will also be done on reflective power.

President: stated he had contracted a CPA to process paperwork for 501(c) 3 status change at a cost of $525.  There was concern that this cost might exceed the quoted price. A motion was made by Dusty to approve a $600 limit in case the cost of processing increased. Joe seconded that motion, motion carried.

President: spoke about the ARRL Field Day in June, and asked how many members were interested in participating. There were 5 members: Dusty, Ben, Rob, Jeff (KE8NTX), and Gary (WB8ICU). Steve said that further discussion was needed on setup, band assignments, and break down. He also stated that holding a swap meet during field day might be a better alternative then holding it on a separate day.

Club member Rob stated he would be contacting the local radio station to promote club participation.


There will be an emergency exercise at MBS airport on May 12th.

Cadillac would be holding their swap meet on May 17th.


The president made a motion to end the meeting, motion was seconded Rob, motion passed, meeting ended at 7:00pm. There were a total of 9 members in attendance.