September 2023 Meeting Minutes

Call to order

A meeting of the Bay Area Amateur Radio Club was held on September 14th,2023, at the Salvation Army building, Bay City, MI. Board members in attendance: president Steve Covieo (ke8nko), vice president Loren Curtis (kf8f), Dusty Trisch (k1dlt), and secretary Bill Baylis (ke8nkn). The meeting was called to order at 7pm. 


Treasurer’s report: current balance and grand total was reported.

Secretary’s report: there was no August meeting, so no notes to read.

Old Business

Club member Jon Dee spoke about the organization needed for Field Day 2024. Secretary gave Jon Dee a list of jobs that would need to be done for Field Day 2024. 

New Business

Additional conversation pertaining to FD 2024 was done. Club member Gary suggested pictures be posted at each F.D. station so the public would know who was running that station. Member Steve volunteered to take pictures and video of the event. President made a motion to purchase a generator for the event. The generator is 55000 watts and would cost $500. Motion was seconded, motion passed. Jon Dee stated he would be responsible for setting up club flags, kids events, and running the grill. He also stated there might be a possibility the club might be able to use the Salvation Armies vehicle.

Club member Dean brought up the possibility of purchasing a trailer through grant monies, but warned that it would take a renewed commitment from the club to make it possible. Some suggestions from members to raise money and public awareness were: Edson, Lighthouse & Tall Ships, POTA, Bay City Fireworks, Kettle Bell ringers for Salvation Army. 

The President informed members the Board has suggested changes in current club By-Laws. 

  1. Removing term limits for board members.
  2. Making the treasures position a 3 year term.

Motion was made, second, and passed by members.

The President also stated that the Board had decided club meetings for the months of July & August would be eliminated due to vacations. Steve also asked members if they would like to do a raffle at meetings to raise money for the club. Members agreed. Raffles will start in January 2024. He also suggested having our Christmas gathering at the Salvation Army building. Board will need to ask Major Rick.

Jon Dee asked if there was a Master list of all club members. Secretary stated he would put one together by the next meeting.

Club member Steve gave an update on how the Tuesday Night Net was going. Overall participation has been good. Other members stated they enjoyed the Nets. Steve said he would like to find additional members to man the Net.




Club member Dusty stated W18aw needs volunteers for an ARRL event on Oct25th – 31st.

The Vice President informed the club there would be a simulated emergency test on Oct 14th. Any member interested should contact him. Two club members volunteered; Bill and Rob. 


President made a motion to end the meeting, motion second, and carried. Meeting ended at 8:09pm There were 15 members in attendance.