May 2024 Meeting Minutes

Call to order

A meeting of the Bay Area Amateur Radio Club was held on May 9th,2024, at the Salvation Army building, Bay City, MI. Board members in attendance: president Steve Covieo (ke8nko), treasurer Dusty (k1dlt), and secretary Bill Baylis (ke8nkn). The meeting was called to order at 7pm with the pledge of allegiance.


Treasurer’s report: Club Insurance was paid by Wholesale Electric of Bay City, Mi. They have been made honorary members. No other financial updates were given.

Secretary’s report: notes from April’s  meeting were read into record. A motion was made to accept these notes. The motion was seconded, and passed.

Old Business

There was no old business

New Business

Club member Rob (kc8sdl) stated he was speaking to other Nets and invited them to participate in our weekly Net.

Club member Steve (ke8tsj) had noticed another local club with incorrect listing our Net date & time. He has since contact the club and the info has been updated.

President stated the antenna used for the “36” was starting to fail and the club should begin looking for a replacement.

Club members wanted an update as to why the Wires-X was not operational. President stated he was still waiting for an update from the Repeater council. He suggested if any member had an antenna that the system could be run at their QTH.

President suggested we utilize group texting to remind members of upcoming events, or important announcements. All members agreed and the President indicated he would begin setting this up.

President spoke to members about the club’s current finances and the lack of monies coming in to support the club. The Board has suggested moving dues up to $20 a year for all members. Club member Jon (kc8usu) suggested dues for associates and members holding only GMRS license be set to $10 The Board agreed with his  proposal. A motion was made to vote on these changes, and seconded. Motion passed. Effective for 2025; Members with only GMRS license or Associates dues will be $10, all others members will be $20. 

President suggested the club’s June meeting be held at the Frankenlust township park to finalize Field Day operations. Participating members were asked to bring their laptops for updating to the latest version of N3FJP. Meeting will begin at 6pm weather permitting.

Club member Rob stated he would be speaking with Radio personality Art Lewis about the club’s Field Day.

President stated he was putting together a Master list of members who were Skywarn certified. Current listing includes; Dusty, Loren, Steve (ke8nko), Jon Dee, Bill, and Steve (ke8tsj). He reminded members they must be Skywarn trained to participate in any Weather related Nets. Any member interested in obtaining their certification can do so online.


Steve (ke8stj) gave a great Powerpoint presentation on his NanoVNA. 




A motion was made to end the meeting. The motion was seconded, motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:47 pm. There were 11 members in attendance, and one visitor.