October 2024 Meeting Minutes

Call to order

A meeting of the Bay Area Amateur Radio Club was held on Oct 12th,2024, at the Salvation Army building, Bay City, MI. Board members in attendance: president Steve Covieo (ke8nko), vice president Loren Curtis (kf8f), treasurer Dusty Trisch (k1dlt), and secretary Bill Baylis (ke8nkn). The meeting was called to order at 7pm with the pledge of allegiance.


Treasurer’s report: Current balance was given, with no bills due.

Secretary’s report: notes from September’s  meeting were read into record. A motion was made to accept these notes. The motion was seconded, and passed.

Old Business

There was no old business

New Business


1).Stated clubs Christmas Dinner would be held on December 12th at the Salvation Army Building, members were asked to bring a dish to pass. For those interested in attending  see Steve to sign-up to bring a dish to pass.

2).Reminded members that money was due for personalized Tumblers. 

3).He asked participants (Gary, Steve, Dusty, Bill) in the POTA event  (Sept 28th) for feedback. All stated that it went well and suggested we schedule at least two events per  year.


Spoke about the upcoming Auxcomm Emergency Exercise being held on Oct 12th, from 9am – Noon. Our Emergency site will be stationed at the Bay City State park. The scenario will be a flood event & ransomware attack. The task of the Emergency station will be to check on each participant’s Health & welfare and provide assistance where needed. We will  be coordinating our efforts using a “Band Plan” and working with other Auxcomm stations.  Members interested in participating should check-in at 9am. Traffic will be relayed through the 31 repeater. Additional communications will be sent through Discord & Winlink. Pictures will be posted on Facebook. 

This is an excellent opportunity for all members to be a part of this Emergency Exercise, and  test your communication skills and equipment.


Stated the nomination process for next year’s board members needed to begin. He made a motion to close the meeting at this time, a second motion was made. Motions carried and the meeting was closed at 7:26pm. 

The Nomination process opened at 7:27pm. Nominees: for president Steve (ke8nko), vice president Loren (kf8f), secretary Bill (ke8nkn),  treasurer Dusty (k1dlt), and trustee 1 year Doug (ke8rne). Voting will be held at our November meeting.

Motion was made to close the nomination process and open the  meeting for normal club business. Motion was second. Motion passed and the Nomination process was closed at 7:38pm, and the meeting was opened up at 7:39pm. President asked if there was any additional club business, there was none. 





The President made a motion to close the meeting, motion was seconded. Motion was passed, the meeting was closed at 7:39pm. There were 15 members and 1 visitor in attendance. 

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