Call to order
A meeting of the Bay Area Amateur Radio Club was held on March 10th, 2022. Board members in attendance: President Steve Covieo (KE8NKO), vice president Loren Curtis (KF8F), treasurer Dusty Trisch (K1DLT), and secretary Bill Baylis (KE8NKN). The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.
Treasurer’s report: Secretary read notes from February 10th, 2022 club meeting.
Unfinished business
President: Opened the floor for further discussion on revisions to the clubs constitution and by-laws. He reminded members that a motion had passed requiring a vote be taken at its February meeting. Additional changes were discussed but with no consensus discussion was tabled.
President: Stated he and club secretary would be reviewing possible alternate sites for the June Field Day. Their findings would be brought to the members for review. We currently have a deposit for the Frankenlust Township location.
President: Stated there was interested in holding a club swap meet. This might also be an opportunity for selling food as a moneymaker. Concern was made that a swap meet may require a license (L.A.R.A.) for sales. A date for a swap meet has yet to be determined.
A motion was made by club secretary (ke8nkn) to accept proposed changes to clubs constitution and by-laws motion was seconded by Joe (KA8FHW), motion carried.
New Business
With the passage of the club’s updated constitution and by-laws it was suggested we seek assistance from individuals familiar with 501 (c) 3 status and grant writing. Joe (KA8FHW) stated he would look into finding someone who could help us.
Treasurer: Deadline for dues has been extended till April 1st.
Vice President: informed the members of a number of special events that will be taking place.
Sky warming training: sessions will be held on-line and you must sign-up. Dates Mar 14th, Apr 9th, 12th. Information can be found on if you’re interested in being a DTX spotter let Loren know.
Michigan QSO party: will be held from noon-midnight, on Apr 16th. Additional info can be found on MIQP. Logging information can be downloaded at
Win link exercise to put messages across on April 29th – 30th.
There will be emergency exercises at MBS airport on May 12th.
Club member Gary (wb8icu) stated Cadillac would be holding their swap meet on May 17th.
Club member Joe (ka8fhw) informed members that a 10-meter band was opening up.
Motion was made to end the meeting, motion was seconded and passed, meeting ended at 6:45pm. There were a total of 13 members and one visitor in attendance.