Call to order
A meeting of the Bay Area Amateur Radio Club was held on June 9th, 2022. Board members in attendance: President Steve Covieo (ke8nko), vice president Loren Curtis (kf8f), treasurer Dusty Trisch (k1dlt), and secretary Bill Baylis (ke8nkn). The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.
Treasurer’s report: read current balance-on-hand. He informed club members the bank had provided 3 years of bank statements at no charge. These statements were given to the CPA who is processing paperwork for our 501(c) status.
Secretary’s report: there were no minutes taken from May’s meeting, the secretary was not in attendance. President verbally covered topics from the previous meeting.
New Business
President: stated the 501(c) 3 is in its final stages of being completed by CPA.
President: spoke about updating the club’s current logo with a new one. He presented 3 new images for members to review and vote on. A motion was made to accept the favorite logo; it was seconded, and passed.
President: stated vice president and treasure have been approved to write checks when needed, no PO Box has been set up to receive monthly statements.
President: made motion to replace current repeater council member Cameron, it was seconded, and passed. The President made a second motion to install Paul (KC8ELQ) as his replacement; it was seconded, and passed. Repeater Council members are Ben (KE8MWN), Joe (KA8FHW), and Paul.
Vice President and Repeater trustee: stated the club is currently “in the red” with old repeater numbers. It will be critical for the club to communicate with the Michigan Area Repeater council to get this resolved. Repeater Council member Ben stated the controller would need to be updated for I.D.
Dean (KC8BGK): ask council members for an update on installation of Fusion system on the 36. Ben stated firmware was updated; and a static IP address setup and running through Anderson Electronics. He also stated there was an issue in mixed modes but was unsure if this was an analog problem.
Ben also said there is a possibility to have a stand-alone DS-1 repeater operational. Repeater council member Joe added he would donate an antenna for this project if needed. Ben stated he was interested in setting up a P25 repeater for digital modes and asked that a motion be made to get it approved. The consensus by the president and members was this project should be put on hold till current issues with operating repeaters are fixed.
Club Member Clayton (KE8CB) stated the club might have an opportunity to expand its membership if the B.A.A.R.C. sponsored testing in Bay City. He further stated he has become an FCC accredited Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VECs). We need two additional VEC’s to begin testing.
Field Day
There was a commitment from 10 members (Jeff, Rob Ben, Loren, Gary, George, Bill, Steve, Dusty, and Dean), who stated they would be participating in setup, working stations, and tear down. A budget was approved to cover food and water. Dean stated he would be bringing his trailer containing ham equipment to aid in setup. It was noted that laptop computers and NJF3 programming would be needed to log contacts. Members were reminded that setup would begin at 2pm on Friday.
The president made a motion to end the meeting, it was seconded by John Covieo, motion passed, meeting ended at 7:20pm. There were a total 12 members in attendance.