October Meeting Minutes

Call to order

A meeting of the Bay Area Amateur Radio Club was held on October 13th, 2022. Board members in attendance: President Steve Covieo (ke8nko), Treasure Dusty Trisch (k1dlt), and secretary Bill Baylis (ke8nkn). The meeting was called to order at 6:03 pm. 


Treasurer’s report: Current checking account balance. 

Secretary’s report: notes from September’s meeting were read. 

Old Business

Club member Dusty (k1dlt) spoke about his participation in the recent Simulated Emergency Test (S.E.T.) held on October 7th. He stated that he had passed four messages using Win Link. Loren (kf8f) had also been involved in this test.

There was a brief discussion on the club’s master list of equipment. The club president stated the current on-line listing doesn’t reflect what the club actually owns and needs to be revised. There was no further discussion.

Club president spoke about the recent cancellation of the club sponsored “Wednesday Night Beer” Net. He stated there was a need for higher standards when running a club sponsored net, professionalism and radio related topics being the most important. Members who were present felt having a signup list would be a good way of rotating Net Controllers.  

There were no additional comments made on Old Business. A motion was made to accept September’s meeting notes into record. The motion was seconded, and passed. 

New Business

President stated nominations for next year’s club officers were scheduled this month, but with few members present he felt it best to wait till the next meeting. In light of the low turnout he suggested a message or email be sent to all members reminding them of the nomination for board members. Club secretary stated he would volunteer to be in-charge of sending those notifications.  

President spoke about this year’s field event and the need for better club participation. With little involvement it put the burden on a very few members for setup, activation, and take down. He felt it important that all members take an active role in this event, and this might only be accomplished by appointing each member a responsibility. He suggested the club look for a different location and additional ways to publicize the event. Plans for next year’s event need to begin earlier in the year.

President asked attending members for feedback on what additional services the club could provide for them. Members stated they would like; assistance with technical issues, presentations on radio related items, conducting training classes: emergency support groups (SATURN, ARES, RACES, SKYWARN) and kit builds.

Secretary stated there was an outstanding bill from the web hosting service QTH. This service supports the clubs (BAARC.net) web site. Donations were made by club members to cover the bill. Members were asked if the web page still provided a service they wanted to use, club members said yes.

President asked members where they would like to hold this year’s Christmas party. Two possible options were Ponderosa or Krysiak’s restaurant. Steve said he would call the restaurants to get additional information.


A free weekly, live, Amateur Radio General Class Licensing course on Zoom will begin on Thursday Oct 27th, and will run through Thursday, January 5th. There will be 9 sessions, with two breaks for holidays. The three-hour sessions will start at 6:30pm Eastern Standard Time. Sessions will be recorded. These are classes that we have been holding for years, sponsored by the National Electronics Museum. Those wishing to sign up should email roland.anders@comcast.net. Also: he will be offering an Extra Class in January. 


A motion was made to adjourn, motion was seconded, and passed, meeting ended at 7:06 pm. There were seven members in attendance.